
Ready for a New Adventure

Monday, September 15, 2014

Day 8:  9/14/14  Let’s take a trip to the tip!

If you’re going to visit Cape Cod you might as well go all the way to Provincetown.  So away we went out route 6.  

Artist painting scenes of
 Cape Cod Lighthouse
We stopped at the Highlands Light (Cape Cod Light) and walked the grounds.  The shoreline is a cliff so there was no walking the beach.

Highland Light  (aka Cape Cod Lighthouse)

Do you have any idea how you must wait until there is no one in the picture at a tourist destination?
This picture was take from the original location.

The lighthouse was commissioned by George Washington in 1797.  By the 1990's the shore had eroded dangerously close to the lighthouse.  In 1996 it was relocated 450 back from the original position by the same company that moved the Cape Hatteras lighthouse. 
There's that "Adorable Look" again

When we arrived at Provincetown we found numerous beach access points.  But, where we wanted to go was part of the National Seashore and the parking fee was $15.00.  Kind of steep just to take a few pictures!  The Ranger asked if we had a Senior Park Pass.  Sur-nuff Linda pulled one out of her pocketbook and flashed him with it.  He smiled and said “Go right in”.  There we were at the tip on Cape Cod!   

One of the bonuses of the day was a Spotted Seal lounging in the surf about 50 feet off shore.
Spotted Seal playing in the surf

I wanted to see if I could take some pictures of additional lighthouses and turned into the access for Herring Cove.  The Ranger there said we were just in time to witness the releasing of four dolphins.

The International Foundation for Animal Welfare was releasing four of five Common Dolphins that beached at Wellfleet.  One of the dolphins did not survive but the other four tested healthy and were going to be released after examination.  One was fitted with a temporary satellite tag that will drop off in about a month.  In the meantime the IFAW can track its travels.  

Then they were carried into the
water on the litters.

All four the dolphins have been carried
 down  to the beach and placed on thick pads

The dolphins were given a few minutes
to get acclimated.

Soon the tails were flipping saying
 "we're ready to go!"

Their on their own.
Last Good Byes

There was quite a gathering of onlookers for the event.  Most of them, like us, had no idea it was taking place.  You should have heard the applause when the four took off, on- their- own, and headed out to sea.  Two went to the left and two went to the right.  Then in a few minutes the four grouped together and headed out to sea.

During the dolphin release we met Don and Judy from Rhode Island.  We just hit it off right away.  Years ago they  went van camping too.  We swapped addresses and gave an open invitation to visit.

This row of cabins is located bay-side
on the south end of Provencetown

The tower at the Pilgrim Monument.
If you are anywhere near Provincetown you can’t help but see the 252 foot high Pilgrims Monument We were running late but I still tried to find the base of it and take pictures.  We ended up on streets that were one way and so narrow I actually had to go half way around the corner, then back up and take another cut.  I’ll let you look that one up on the net.

A good hot meal for a cold night.

We finally settled in at Adventure Bound Campgrounds near Truro.  Linda cooked up a pot of Kielbasa and beans.  It was a meal fit for a King. (Linda's maiden name)

Race Beach:  42°04’52.64” N     70°13’08.30”W
Herring Cove: 42°02’55.00” N                     70°13’16.34”

Adventure Bound Camping Resort: 42°04’22.23” N     70°04’32.39” W

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