
Ready for a New Adventure

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Day 10:  9/16/14.  Today is kind of a travel day as we want to visit friends tonight.

However we did take a side trip to Gloucester where the story “Perfect Storm” was set.   There was way more to see than we had time for but we did visit the Fisherman’s Memorial.  It is dedicated to the fisherman from the Gloucester area that lost their live in pursuit of their livelihood.  There are over 5,000 names on the plaques dating back to 1623.   The fishing vessel Andrea Gail that the story  "Perfect Storm" was written about was lost at sea in 1991.

The crew of the "Andrea Gail"

Blyman Canal Drawbridge
At the visitors center I met a lady name Jan.  Her niece married Bobby Shatford Jr. this past spring.  It is a close nit community.  

Gloucester is the oldest fishing village in the US and boasts having one of the busiest  drawbridges in the country.

We continued north to Richmond and got a site at the Augusta/Gardnier- KOA. 

In the evening we visited Debby and Mark, and their family.  A good time was had by all as we discussed our travels and theirs.  They will be leaving Monday for a trip to Alaska where Mark is holding revival services.  Deb was kidding with Mark…”I’m not going to hear you preach…I’m going to explore.”  Deb has an on-the-go personality and Mark is more stay-at home.  They are a fun couple.  Linda and Debby met many years ago when the both were teaching at an ACE school.


Fisherman’s  Memorial:  42°46’36.44” N 70°40’13.25” W
Augusta/Gardnier KOA  44°09’06.1”0 N    69°52’11.34” W 

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