
Ready for a New Adventure

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Day 19:  9/25/14
Today was mostly relocating from Bangor Maine to the Franconia State Park area of New Hampshire.  The trip along US Route 2 took us through countless small towns (I called them No Wake Zones).  It kept us on our toes navigating since in almost every small town Route 2 made at least one turn at an intersection.  But the ride was scenic and at a rather  relaxed pace.  With all of the construction taking place the drive took nearly  4-1/ 2 hours. 

We took a quick lunch break at a roadside rest along the Androscoggin River near Hanover, ME, just a few miles from the NH line.  The river reminded me of the Juniata River near home.

Mount Washington, NH
As we got closer to the White Mountains we could get glimpses of Mount Washington.  Mount Washington is the highest peak in the Northeastern United States at 6,288 ft and the most prominent mountain east of the Mississippi River. It is famous for dangerously erratic weather. For 76 years, until 2010, a weather observatory on the summit held the record for the highest wind gust directly measured at the Earth's surface, 231 mph, on the afternoon of April 12, 1934. Before European settlers arrived, the mountain was known as Agiocochook, or "Home of the Great Spirit".

The mountains are becoming alive with color (not easy to tell on these pics) as the change has come about two weeks early this year. 

After stopping at the Flume Gorge Visitor Center we decided to go down the road to the Lincoln/Woodstock KOA and set up camp and come back in the morning to see the sights. 

Lincoln/Woodstock KOA:   43°57’39.32”N   71°40’62.31”W

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