
Ready for a New Adventure

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 16:  9/22/14 Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park.

We made reservations at Hadley’s Point Campground first thing after breakfast.  This will give us a base to work from today.  We drove to downtown Bar Harbor and then walked the streets down to the waterfront.  Whale watching season is about over and the trips today were canceled because of high seas.  So that meant the lighthouse cruise was canceled too.  Oh well you’ll have this in a big city!

Bar Harbor is a pristine little once-upon-a-time fishing village turned tourist trap.  The streets are lined with old buildings that are decorated to catch your eye.  Built on a hill there is a good slope down to the harbor. 

Bar Harbor got its name from a gravel bar that splits the harbor and runs from the mainland to Bar Island.  At low tide you can walk to Bar Island…But you better be back before the tide comes in or you will be stranded for 6 hours until the next low tide.

Linda’s parents told us some years ago, when you go to Bar Harbor to go the restaurant with the car.  Well we found it.  Dinks Taxi US Route 66.  This place is a bit over the top!  There is 50’s and 60’s memorabilia everywhere.  And a Nash taxi over the entrance!  

I was told by my late father-in-law to try the clam chowder.  “Best I ever had” he said.  Well he was always a man of his word and sure-nuff it was definitely GOOD.   They also have a 6oz. hamburger with lettuce, tomato and macaroni and cheese on top. That will fill you up. 

Linda had a Jeep similar to this one.

Abby's hitting the books.

Our waitress, Abby, is studying for a business degree in restaurant management and culinary arts.  I believe she’ll do great.

Troubadour with a vintage VW Kombi 
Next stop was the Visitors Center for Acadia National Park.  Normally the price for a car to enter would be $20 but Linda whipped out her card again and we went right through.  The National Park Service Senior Pass in only a one-time $10 and good for any park for the cardholder and three guests.  Not a bad deal. 

Our first destination was Cadillac Mountain.  Cadillac Mountain is located on Mount Desert Island, (pronounced dessert) within Acadia National Park. With an elevation of 1,528 feet, its summit is the highest point within 25 miles of the shoreline of the North America.

Bar Harbor as see from an overlook
near the base of Cadillac Mountain

The road to the summit wound through dense birch and evergreen forest and along shear cliffs.  It was a drive to remember. 

Cadillac Mountain Road

We made it to the top.

Linda is making her way up to the summit.

Bar Harbor as viewed from the summit.

The gravel bar to Bar Island\
 at almost low tide.

A zoomed view of Otter Cove
about 5 miles away
The Porcupine Islands in the distance

other stops along today’s trek:
Sand Beach.  
The surf at Sand Beach was breath taking.  This is why the wale watching trips were canceled.  The wind must have been around 30 MPH.  This is normally a swimming beach.

The rocky hill at Sand Beach

Thunder Hole.  
When the waves come into the cleft in the rock there is a sound like distant thunder.

A person can get wet in a hurry.

Otter Cove

Little Hunters Beach

There was no sand;but every size of
pebble and rock  you can imagine

By the end of the day we were both bushed.  Zzzzz was at Hadley's Point Campgrounds.

Hadley’s Point CG:  42°26’15.75” N    68°18’50.80” W

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