
Ready for a New Adventure

Friday, September 26, 2014

Day 20: 9/26/14
Today we saw Flume George and took a ride on the Cannon Mountain Arial Tram.  Both are part of the Franconia Notch State Park.  We have been quite awed by the grandeur of New Hampshire’s White Mountains.

 We arrived at the Flume Gorge Visitors Center just before noon.

That has to be the biggest stuffed toy we have ever seen
Glacial Boulder

At Flume Gorge the walk is a bit over 2 miles.  I don’t believe there was any 50 foot stretch of those 2 miles that was level.  The trails were well maintained but at places they were very steep.  You had to really work going uphill and keep from sliding going downhill.  The walkways through the gorge were sturdy and easy walking.  Even though the water level was down, compared to the spring thaw, it was still an impressive sight to see.

Linda was so impressed with how high the walls of the gorge were.

Linda decided there was no real
reason to explore the Bear's Cave

As we reached the top of the walkway we arrived at Avalanche Falls. 

Further along the trail we arrived at Liberty Gorge.  Although there were no walkways in the gorge it was a beautiful and serine place to visit.

The Pool.

On the way back to the Visitors Center there were other wonders of nature to take in.

Trees living on top of the boulders
Boulders as big as a house!

When this trek was over we collapsed in the visitor center and then enjoyed a tiny pizza and some Gator Aide to get our strength back. 

The Cannon Mountain Aerial Tram carried us up to the top of Cannon Mountain at an elevation of 4,080 feet.  The tram ride itself ascends 2,022 feet in only 8 minutes.  At the summit there is an observation deck. The view today offered the mountains of New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, New York and Québec. With the leaves changing into their autumn attire it was quite a show.

Part of the trail up to the observation deck.

Linda rested at the Mountain Station while I continued up to the observation deck.  Here is what I saw.


Vermont and Quebec 
New Hampshire and New York

I-93 looking aback toward Flume Gorge

Here comes our ride back down

The ride back down.
Maybe not the "Old Man of the Mountain"
but the "Youngest Man on the Mountain."
5 Months.

Like two trams that pass in the day.

The Old Man of the Mountain, which was New Hampshire's symbol for years, crumbled in 2003. It was such a landmark I really missed not seeing it.  His face can be seen on the NH highway route signs and the NH Commemorative Quarter.

Looking for a place to stay tonight Linda chose Hanover NH.  This is the home of Dartmouth College. (Go Big Green!).  We saw the cheerleaders walking along the street going to or from a game or practice.
We finally came to rest at the Days Inn in West Lebanon.  These names are sounding a bit familiar.

Dinner at the Days Inn was ala carté with the entrée, de la journée, being hot dogs et macaroni  et cheese, aux microwave.  (Pardon my French)

Flume George:  44°054’9.5”N    71°40’48.00”W
Cannon Mountain Tram:  44°19’12.76”N    71°21’20.00”W

Hanover, NH: 43°42’08.60”N   72°12’21.67”W

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