
Ready for a New Adventure

Monday, March 25, 2019

Crystal River Trip 3/25

Monday 3/25

Linda didn’t sleep much last night so she stayed at camp and I went fishing around noon.

Gilligan heading out for his 3 hour tour.

Ginger bids Gilligan a bon voyage
Today’s catch…
My first ever Redfish (red drum) 15 inches but, three inches too short for a keeper.

I got one nice Blue Crab.  He wouldn’t let go of that shrimp until he was in the boat.

This is the largest puffer I've ever caught.  Trying to take pictures and keep him from flopping around was impossible.  It was at least 18 inches and it blew up to the size of a head of lettuce.

The others…one trout, six catfish, and six lady fish.

All in all a fun day but no keepers.

Around 5 PM they just quit biting like someone flipped a switch.
Then I heard a dolphin about 50 feet from the boat.  Everybody was getting out of dodge.
I had two shrimp left and this cormorant landed next to the boat.  I was afraid that it might try and dive for my bait.  I don't need to catch a frantic bird.  I lost my shrimp and only had one left.  I threw it to him and he had it as soon as it touched the water.  Then he swam under the boat and surfaced right next to me.  I think it was a thank you.

I got back at 6PM and Linda had made burgers with sauce in the crockpot.  
Now its time to do the blog and sip an ice cold Arnold Palmer.

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