
Ready for a New Adventure

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Crystal River Trip 2019

Greetings from Burger King in Crystal River Florida. 3/16/2019

This is one place we can get WIFI that works for us.  The WIFI at the campgrounds is totally useless. Spend an hour trying to log on then get dropped in 30 seconds.  All this for only$24 a month!
So the blog entries will be few and far between and in big bites.

Saturday 3/2/2019

It snowed last night so our “on the road by 7:00” didn’t happen.  We were joined at Mickie D’s for breakfast by our son and daughter in law.  It gave us time for quiet talk and good byes and bon voyages.   We left around 9:00.

The trip to Knoxville went well.  We arrived at Bill and Pree’s about 7:30 PM.  Not being as young as I was yesterday I went to bed early while Linda stayed up to visit.

Sunday 3/3

It rained overnight.  That’s just what Knoxville needed.  A few more drops and everybody will have water front property.  We got good news…Bill has been fighting melanoma.  At his last blood test his results came back cancer free.  Pray that this continues for Bill.  He had it several years ago and they thought they got it all, but it came back.  He seems to be getting great treatment at the University Of Tennessee Hospital.

Monday 3/4

On the road south out of Knoxville at 10:30 AM.  Traffic on the interstates was fairly light except around the big cities and even then not too bad.   We arrived in Pelham, AL at supper time and checked in at the Quality Inn.  It’s nice because they are remodeling the rooms (they look like new) and there are spaces to park a rig.  It is also next to Cracker Barrel, Ruby Tuesday’s and Burger King.  Who could ask for anything more?

Tuesday 3/5

Headed south around 7:00 AM.  Making good time.  Big Blue and the Teeny Tiny House are just chewing up the miles.

We will be visiting our friends Bill and Pat who are renting a condo in Ft. Walton Beach, FL.  There is no place at the condo to park the trailer so I found a storage facility about 30 miles away near I-10.  You contact the facility via a cell phone number.  An older gentleman answers the phone.  The conversation went something like this:

How long do you need a spot?.......Three of four days.

Just call when you get here and I’ll give you the combination to the gate.  Put $40 “CASH” in an envelope and I’ll tell you where to put it.

Well, that’s just how it worked.  It was a nice facility even if the owner seemed a bit gruff over the phone.

That evening we all went to the Riverwalk in time to see the Mardi Gras parade.  It was the second parade with only a Dixie Land band and five small floats but, the girls got their beads.  No more to be said on that subject!             (Modesty prevailed)


Wednesday 3/6

Bill had a hanker’n to try a crawfish dinner.  I must admit I too wanted to try this Cajun delicacy.  He also wanted to see the shrimp boat fleet at Bayou La Batre.  So we loaded up into Big Blue and headed for Mobil, Al.

Our first stop was to be at “Mudbugs” for lunch but when we got there we found that the seafood store was open but the dining room had been closed down the week before.  After a few inquiries we were assured that R&R had the best crawfish dinner in town.  No problem; back through the tunnel in Mobile and to the east end of town. 

Bill poses for Pat to capture his first crawfish
Never having any others to compare with we will concede that R&R is the best.  By finding the parking lot packed they must have something going for them.  You buy crawfish by the pound and then get your sides separate.  Linda decided to opt for grilled shrimp but Bill, Pat and I were daring enough to give it a go.  A taste somewhere between shrimp and lobster with a good dose of Cajun spice; they were quite tasty and definitely spicy.  It is a comfort food.  Don’t rush…Take your time… (1) Break the tail off the head. (2) Pinch the body shell to break it and peal out the meat and enjoy the firm tender morsel. (3) Suck the juice out of the head.  #3 is optional, but if you don’t try how can you enjoy the entire experience.  Add French fries, Cole slaw, and an order of Hushpuppies and it’s a feast for a king. “Aint dat so, dare Maurice?” “Durn rite it tiz!” “Ya noze its so.”

The shrimp boats at Bayou La Batre are mostly owned by Vietnamese and many have oriental sounding names and dragons or stylized birds painted on the bow.  The Bayou is actually a shipyard where the boats come in the off season for repair and refit.  There is also some new manufacturing going on.

We passed the Battleship Alabama Memorial Park.  If we are ever in Mobile again this is a must see.  There is a lot to see here besides the battleship.  Admission is only $4.


Thursday 3/7
Just spent the day chillin' on the beach.  Pat made spaghetti and meatballs for supper.
Friday 3/8
We left Ft Walton Beach around 8:00 and headed to Crestview to pick up the trailer.  We met the man at the storage lot as he made his daily rounds.  Nice guy, just talks a bit gruff.  The trip to Crystal River was rather quiet.  US 19 is the main north/south route through this part of FL.  It’s a nice lightly traveled four lane that takes you through the pine forest and live oaks.   Arriving at 3:00 we started unloading and were pretty much settled in by 6:00.



Monday 3/11
Went to the bait and tackle shop up the road.  They don’t sell fishing licenses!  We had to go to Wal- Mart.  There is no Wal-Mart in Crystal River.  Crystal River is only about 3.000 people.  The closest Wal-Mart is about 15 miles away in Homosassa Springs.  We got our licenses but the man forgot to give us the regulation books.  So tomorrow that will be another trip to Homosassa.

We launched the boat and took a ride out the canal to the river and then took a short trip up river.  It’s really nice here.  In the off season the waterways aren’t so busy.

Just about 50 yards down the canal is another canal the cuts to the east.  I saw some people standing on a pontoon boat taking pictures.  Then I heard the sound of a small gator.   The signs in the park  say they have alligators and snakes and to not go into the water.

Tuesday 3/12
We met Mike.  Mike is a gentleman from Germany.  Riding his bike he stopped by to ask if he could tie up his boat to our dock.  I hated to turn him down but the rules spell out in easy to understand English, the only boat tied to a dock must belong to the camper at that site and have a tag issued by the office.  No Exceptions.  Subject to eviction.

 Mike liked looking through our trailer and said that campers in Europe are smaller than ours. He said that there are no fifth wheelers like the one he has over here.  Mike, who is some years older than I, came to Texas for college in his twenties and loved it.  He and his wife come back to the U.S. every spring and fall and travel.  This year they brought his sister in law along.

Wednesday 3/13
Set out to go fishing in the boat.  The Crystal River and surrounding waters have many Manatee Protection Zones.  One minute you are allowed 25 MPH in the center channel and the next its slow speed minimum wake.  It really makes a short trip take a long time.  But we did see two noses come up and take a snort then disappear. 

Linda's first Sea Trout

The Lady catches a Ladyfish

The Old Man and the Sea
The fishing was good.  We both caught sea trout (Linda had one just a quarter inch short of a keeper), catfish and a bunch of a fish we were not familiar with.  They were long slender torpedo shaped with silver sides and greenish-black backs and the really could put up a fight.  Much of the waters around here are shallow with sand bars and oyster bars so traveling must be done at a slow pace until we get a better idea of where it’s deep enough to throttle up and cruise.

We were not back long and I see Mike and his wife and sister in law coming up the canal.  The girls wanted to see our trailer.  They introduced themselves.  I couldn’t make out his wife’s name.  It started Gud…..So I told her I’ll just call her Goodie.  Her sister’s name was harder so she became Goodie Two.  When I introduced them Linda had no idea about the previous conversation.  I said “This is Goodie one and Goodie Two.  Linda said “Hi I’m Goodie Three”.  That got a laugh out of every one.  Interesting, laughter sounds the same in any language.

Thursday 3/14.
We must have worn ourselves out yesterday.  We both slept in to 10:00.  We both got an overdose of sun yesterday even though we had long sleeves on.  We forgot about our knees!  Pink as a piglet.

Hip-Hip-Hurray… today is laundry day!  Not our favorite past time but necessary just the same.  We found a very clean and appears rather new laundromat in Homosassa Springs.  While the laundry was sloshing round and round we started a game of Ten.  Linda was in the lead when the dryers went off and the game came to an end.

We stopped at Winn-Dixie to pick up some groceries.  The store wasn’t as nice as the Publix we went to a few days ago.  We couldn’t find some stuff and the can goods were dusty on top.  But it’s just down the road so it’s convenient.

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